Saturday, April 24, 2010

One-eyed Art Direction

This one-eyed specimen comes compliments of a good young Art Director by the name of Chris Araujo. He graduated from the Circus when I was in my early quarters and is quickly approaching 'Stud' status up in NYC.

I pulled this ad off his website. Pretty baller I must say. Check it out, he's got some awesome stuff.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One-eyed Davinci

This little one-eyed looks like a 5th grade MS Paint project from 1996. I can just see the chalkboard that morning: 'Add bucaneer doodles to an iconic painting using Microsoft Paint.'


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One-eyed Ninja

I've always been a ninja kinda guy in the epic Pirate vs. Ninja debate. Since losing my eye I've been forced onto the pirate side. Well, no more. Here is evidence of a one-eyed ninja. They do exist, and not just in old-school Japanese Kung Fu movies.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One-eyed Nebula

This stellar eye-ball is the planetary nebula K 4-55

Monday, October 12, 2009

One-eyed Sunglasses

Now friends, if you find yourself asking the question, 'Who on earth would ever wear these windshield sunglasses?' just remember those girls you see walking around in their Ugg boots, carrying over-sized purses, and wearing Bump-its in their hair.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

One-eyed Hair band

This is a video for the hair band Dead or Alive. Yeah you know the song, but I bet you didn't know one of the guys wore a patch.

Friday, October 9, 2009

One-eyed rug

Found this little treat at a store in Cincinnati, pretty awesome stuff. I think a treasure map rug completes the Feng Shui in any room.