Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One-eyed cat

When I first found this I couldn't believe it. What kind of crazy cat lady would spend thousands of dollars on a prosthetic eye for their cat? Were other kitties picking on him at lunch time?

Seriously, I love my cat, but after I dropped a few hundred dollars on vet bills, I'm done. No fake eye for Jodi.

Still can't believe this is real.

'They Call Her One Eye'

Friends, I have no idea what this is. I'm a little worried because, all though my friends occasionally call me One-eye, they would think twice about doing it if I had a shotgun in my hands.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

One-eyed toilet art

Found this strange portrayal of a one-eyed rabbit on Ask a urinal, a ridiculous blog I found recently. I think it's a euphemism for something.

One-eyed Bowie

Bowie is a poser. He has two eyes. He just knew that the eye-patch is just as awesome as any other fashion accessory. I'll allow it since hes an icon, but he's still two-eyed.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Which one-eye

So there isn't anything definitive yet on my theory of which eye is lost/patched. So the current count is 13 left eyes missing to 11 right eyes missing. Despite these numbers, I'm still thinking the left eye is the more popular one to lose.

One-eyed protection

I'll say, if I stepped into the batter's box and saw a catcher wearing this mask, I'd quickly be more scared of him than the pitcher.

One-eyed primetime TV

This is the One-eyed Mailman Willie from Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I''ve seen the show a few times, it's funny, maybe some day I'll check it out on DVD.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

One-eyed Hoff

The Hoff. Instead of cuddling puppies, he's toting big guns and an eye-patch as Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Rumor has it this role might be in the works again around Hollywood. Wonder if The Hoff has a shot at the job?

The Hoff and his famous ride KITT. That's a nice one-eyed Camaro sir. And an even better thumb up.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

One-eyed Colleges

bI know these are somewhat random colleges, so if you know any 'high-profile' schools rocking a patch, send em my way. This top one is the sports logo for Hampton U. in Hampton, VA. The bottom logo is for Eastern Carolina University in East Carolina.

Friday, September 25, 2009

One-eyed Snake

This, right here? This is Kurt Russel as Snake Plisskin a series of escapes. (Escape from New York, Escape from L.A., Escape from Earth)

I don't think I've seen the movies, but it's Kurt Russel with guns. It's gotta be awesome, and now part of my Netflix queue.

One-eyed skull

I don't even know what this is. Looks to me like an absolutely absurd, one-eyed fossil. Must be something the National Enquirer dug up.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

One-eyed Lego

Now, I understand that a solid majority of patch wearers are pirates. But this little pirate is special. He's wearing a paint patch.

One-eyed Goodman

Jon Goodman donning a white patch in the classic movie O Brother Where Art Thou? He played the scam artist 'Big Dan' Teague. Great flick. Even better soundtrack.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One-eyed Street Fighter

This Street Fighter is Sagat, from the original Street Fighter video games. I never really played with Sagat, I was more of a a Vega fan.

Either way, Mortal Kombat was better.

Patched relationship

This caused some controversy not too long after Chris Brown allegedly beat down Rihanna. She wore a patch during a concert and the media assumed she had it on to cover some bruises.

Eat it media. Even two-eyed people embrace the monocular life sometimes.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One-eyed pencil stache

This animated guy right here is Phil Ken Sebben, voiced by Stephen Colbert, the president of a law firm in Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.

One-eyed love

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Monday, September 21, 2009

One-eyed Rat Pack

My main man, Sammy Davis Jr. of the Rat Pack. Homeboy lost his eye in a car accident. If you guys don't know about the life of Sammy Davis you should check him out, really a classy human being. Not to mention, half Puertorican.

Apparently Humphrey Bogart told Sammy, ‘If you want to make it in this business kid… get rid of the eye patch.’ I guess it can be kinda intimidating in everyday life.

One-eyed Simpsons

Aliens do exist. Just ask Maggie, Lisa, Bart, Marge and Homer. These space invaders, Kang and Kodos, are regulars on the Simpsons Halloween specials, Treehouse of Horror. And if you're wondering, no, I can't tell them apart.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cycloptic frames

These are some crazy one-eyed glasses right here. Props goes to some artist named Jaime Pitarch for doing his/her part in fighting the one-eyed fight.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hans Solo-eyed

What's up R2? What's the weather like in A Galaxy Far, Far Away?

Friday, September 18, 2009

More Disney animated One-eyes

This guy is Agent Pleakley from Lilo and Stitch. Haven't seen the movie in years, so I'm not really sure what he does. He looks funny though.

Sorry for the terrible picture, but this is Auto, the autopilot steering wheel from Wall-E.

One-eyed animated babe

Here's another contestant in the one-eyed hotness competition - Leela from the TV series Futurama. I must say, her hair color is pretty incredible.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Governator One-eyed

This is some combo one-eyed goodness. Part Terminator, part Schwarzenegger, part Governor. It's not my favorite Arnold movie. I prefer Last Action Hero, or Kindergarten Cop.

Number Two, One-eyed

His name, is Number 2, and he was Dr. Evil's sidekick bitch in the Austin Powers movies.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One-eyed Royalty

Here we have pocket one-eyed Jacks. Tricky hand. Not quite good enough for most poker tables. But, if you're playing Black Jack, you better split those fools and bring home the cheddar.

One-eyed 3-D glasses

This might be the coolest thing I have ever seen in my one-eyed life. I've realized there are only two things that I can't do with one eye: military service, and watch 3-D movies. Only problem is, with this pair I wouldn't be able to see anything. I'll just wear them upside down.


Intergalactic One-eyed

Some where over the Reading Rainbow, in a galaxy far, far, away, LeVar Burton was Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation. I've never seen the show, so I have no idea what that contraption on his head is. I should ask my dad.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

'He was a....'

This cute and fuzzy guy is THE One-Eyed, One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater. He's pretty awesome I must say. They say Unicorn's are the coolest mythical creature, but I've got this guy at #2, behind the Chupacabra.

My one-I.D.

That's right, that's me. The loss of my eye, as captured by my student I.D. was funny enough for College Humor. N.B.D.

Recently the school has required us to wear these I.D.'s at all times when in the building. The newest students catch a glance of it and always get this really puzzled looks on their faces.

Lethal One-eyed

She could be one of the sexiest one-eyeds out there. Here's Darryl Hannah as Elle Driver, a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad in Kill Bill. She had this evil whistle as she was on her way to make a kill. Either way, she's a fox.

Here's a soundbite of the whistle if you've forgotten.


So I've had this theory for a while, now I have a way to test it out.
I believe that the majority of monocular people lost their left eye.

UPDATE: So far the count is 7 people missing their left eye, and 4 people missing their right eyes. So far I'm on the right track.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Disney one-eyed

This time Disney went all one-eyed with Rigetti from Pirates of The Caribbean. I would hate to have a wooden fake eye. Inner eyelid splinters must be brutal.

Homework Cyclops

Here's a paper mache version of the Odyssey's Cyclops - a monster that eats sheep whole. From what I gather, this was made by some students in Latin class.

I'd call them losers, but I was a Latin geek in 6th grade. So, way to go kids!

Marvel One-eyed

Here's some fan art of Cyclops from the X-Men saga. He's got a crazy-laser-visor-eye. I envy him.

(Now some of you may say, 'Hey, wait. He has two eyes.' To that, I counter, 'Have you ever seen them? They are always covered. Besides, it's called Cyclops and friends, and his name is Cyclops.')

Sunday, September 13, 2009

One-eyed sports logos

Here we have the Pittsburgh Pirates logo. I hate everything about the city,especially the Steelers. For some reason, I don't care about the Pirates. Mostly because even though the Reds haven't made the playoffs in almost 20 years, the Pirates have consistently been worse than the Reds all those years.

The way the Oakland Raiders have been playing football recently the one-eyed logo seems fitting.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

One-eyed Razzie winner

The man. Dennis Hopper. Played some really great characters in his time. He went all one-eyed as The Deacon in Waterworld, earning him a Razzie in'96 for Worst Supporting Actor. Congrats Dennis, you're our first Razzie winner.

But don't forget, he played King Koopa, aka Bowser, in 93's Super Mario Bros. Should've won an Oscar. At least and MTV Moonman.


Alright, here we have Exhibit A as to why you shouldn't huff Mr. Marker scented markers every time you're in art class.

Props to Lady Gaga for straying from the norm, but it's starting to come across as lunacy rather than fashion innovation. See what I mean? She's wearing a patch with a zipper, as makeup.

Friday, September 11, 2009

'Kinda like us Mikey, the goonies'

'Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up Troy's bucket. '

Mikey said it best. The Goonies had to find One-Eyed Willie's treasure so they could stay in Astoria.

'Dad! Dad! It's my marble bag. The Fratelis forgot to check it. I emptied out all of my marbles and put the jewels in. We don't have to leave the boon docks!'


Harry Potter one-eyed action

I would consider myself a Harry Potter fan. I go to the midnight showings, but I'm not a douchey fan that dresses up. If I were to dress up, I guess it would have to be as Mad-Eye Moody. It's only fitting.

Scientologically Monocular

Crazy Cruise put on a patch in his recent role in Valkyrie, a movie I chose not to see solely because Tom Cruise is the lead actor.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I mean, this is a staple of one-eyed lore.

Honorary One-eyed

Lise 'Left-eye' Lopes of TLC, an honorary one-eyed. Great musician and a talent that died too young.

Boo Yah! Sportscenter, in blog update. one-eyed sports pop-culture icon. The onomatopoetic Sportscenter anchor, Stuart Scott.


David Wenham as Delios,
the heroic, one-eyed, narrator of 300.